Repurposed gems
For the latest of H&M Innovation Stories, our design team trains their focus on more sustainably-sourced embellishments.
Buttons with impact
Our new button initiative is improving the lives of society's most vulnerable and contributing to building a circular economy.
Dressing for the metaverse
For the latest edition of our Innovation Stories, we’re exploring what happens when real fashion steps into the metaverse.
Did you know?
H&M members are now rewarded for making more sustainable choices. Earn Conscious points every time you purchase a Conscious item, bring your own bag
or recycle with us.
Rewind. Renew
Our most sustainable denim collection yet.
Let’s be fair
Can fashion be fair? Yes!
Let’s be for all
Come exactly as you are. At H&M, we welcome everyone
The future looks circular
A party collection like no other - designed to be treasured, shared, repaired and recycled.
Let's clean up
Just like our food and water, we like our clothes toxic-free.